OUr Pastors

Lead Pastors
The Hill Ash Grove is blessed to have the Dynamic Duo of Pastors Nic and Melissa Keith. They have 5 amazing kids – Malachi, Elsi, Micah, Keziah, and Cali. Both grew up in rural churches in SW MO and they share a heart for the local church. Their married life started in ministry as youth pastors with Pastor Nic also leading worship in Ash Grove. It is their passion to bring excitement in God’s word and being a believer in Christ that has been blessed in abundance leading to full-time ministry and outreach.
God blesses faithfulness and to whom much is given, much is required. Pastor Nic and Melissa’s life and ministry are a living example! They want everyone to know that God has a full life and mighty plan for those that seek him, trust him and believe in Jesus Christ.
A calling several years ago to reach youth and share the love of Jesus led to Soulfire Ministries and Conferences. With a motto of LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE, CHANGE THE WORLD, and a vision to Ignite Hearts For Christ, they have been able to grow what started as a rural outreach for teens to camps, events, and conferences across the country. From an incredible week long Soulfire Summer youth camp in Panama City Beach, FL to a Valentines weekend Marriage Conference in Springfield, MO, and multiple family, couple, and youth events throughout the year, Soulfire is for the the WHOLE FAMILY and CHANGES LIVES through just sharing the WORD of God for YOUR life!
Pastor Nic uses high energy and humor when preaching, he gets people on fire for the Lord! One of his favorite phrases is there is “no battle you can’t win if you worship through it”. Mis has a teaching style of preaching and challenges people to go deeper in God’s word. Her favorite phrase is “Speak Life” and together they encourage, uplift, and share the good news of Jesus anywhere they get an opportunity.
From the very moment, you meet them or hear them speak you see the love for others, the encouragement to build others up, and their hearts that radiate exuberance for Jesus.